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FraSCAti - Open SCA middleware platform Wiki

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If you wish to contribute to FraSCAti and wonder what could be some cool stuff to look at, let have a look at the following list of subjects. Do not hesitate to contact the FraSCAti community at frascati@ow2.org if you want to start contributing on one of these subjects. This list is not exhaustive and you should feel free to propose your own contribution ideas.

Project #1: Developing a JVisualVM Plugin for FraSCAti


JVisualVM [1] is a visual tool integrating several commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities. Designed for both production and development time use, it further enhances the capability of monitoring and performance analysis for the Java SE platform.
  • Application Developer: Monitor, profile, take thread dumps, browse heap dumps
  • System Administrator: Monitor and control Java applications across the entire network
  • Java Application User: Create bug reports containing all the necessary information

JVisualVM is based on an extensible architecture, which can be tuned in order to display application-specific or technology-specific information [2]. For example, an OSGi plugin has already been developed as part of the Chameleon project [3]. Therefore, the objective of this project is to develop a comprehensive plugin for the SCA component model and the FraSCAti platform. This plugin should provide the capability of introspecting an SCA application and to reconfigure its properties at run-time, similarly to the features currently available in the FraSCAti Explorer tool [4].


  1. J. Sedlacek and T. Hurka. JVisualVM.
  2. J. Sedlacek and T. Hurka. Getting Started Extending VisualVM
  3. OW2 Chameleon project. JVisualVM plugin for OSGi
  4. OW2 FraSCAti project. FraSCAti Explorer

Project #2: Developing Agile SCA Applications using Dynamic Languages


The objective of this project is t develop a comprehensive support for dynamic languages in the FraSCAti platform [1,2]. This support includes the integration of scripting engines and the associate tooling (e.g., the FraSCAti Explorer plugins [3]). The developed extensions should support the dynamic evolution of the component's content over time [4].


  1. L. Seinturier, P. Merle, D. Fournier, N. Dolet, V. Schiavoni and J-B. Stefani. Reconfigurable SCA Applications with the FraSCAti Platform. In 6th IEEE International Conference on Service Computing (SCC'09), September 2009.
  2. OW2 FraSCAti project. http://frascati.ow2.org
  3. OW2 FraSCAti project. FraSCAti Explorer
  4. D. Donsez, K. Gama and W. Rudametkin. Developing Adaptable Components using Dynamic Languages. In: 35th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEEA'09), SCBSE Track, August 2009.

Project #3: Rendering 3D Models with the FraSCAti Platform


The objective of this project is to demonstrate the development of a scientific application dedicated to the rendering of 3D models. The developed infrastructure should be able to search a retrieve models from existing shape repositories [1] and to visualize the shape by using a particular library [2,3,4]. By adopting the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, the project will demonstrate the benefits of using the FraSCAti platform and its tools for optimizing the rendering of 3D shapes via dynamic reconfiguration and relocation of SCA components.


  1. AIM@SHAPE. Shape Repository.
  2. JogAmp Community. Java OpenGL. May 2010
  3. Mozilla Foundation. WebGL. 2010
  4. L-J. Shiue, P. Alliez, R. Ursu and L. Kettner. A Tutorial on CGAL Polyhedron for Subdivision Algorithms.

Project #4: Supporting Replicated Components in the FraSCAti Platform



  1. OW2 FraSCAti project. http://frascati.ow2.org

Project #5: Developing Safety Critical Applications in SCA


A life-critical system or safety-critical system is a system whose failure or malfunction may result in death or serious injury to people, or loss or severe damage to equipment or environmental harm. Risks of this sort are usually managed with the methods and tools of safety engineering. A life-critical system is designed to lose less than one life per billion (10^9) hours of operation. Typical design methods include probabilistic risk assessment, a method that combines failure modes and effects analysis with fault tree analysis. Safety-critical systems are increasingly computer-based. The objective of this project is therefore to investigate how the Safety Critical Java (SCJ) technology 1,2? can be integrated into the FraSCAti platform [3] to bring Software Architectures and Dynamic Reconfigurations to Safety Critical Applications. This involves the study of the SCJ programming model and its mapping to the concepts of SCA. The resulting software solution will be demonstrated on the Collision Detection Benchmark [4].


  1. JSR Process. JSR-302: Safety Critical Java Technology. 2006
  2. Purdue University. The Open Safety-Critical Java Implementation project. 2010
  3. OW2 FraSCAti project. http://frascati.ow2.org.
  4. Purdue University. Collision Detection Benchmark CDx

Project #6: Supporting Component Migration in the FraSCAti Platform



  1. OW2 FraSCAti project. http://frascati.ow2.org

Project #7: Building an Autonomic MapReduce Framework with SCA


MapReduce is a patented software framework introduced by Google to support distributed computing on large data sets on clusters of computers [1]. The framework is inspired by map and reduce functions commonly used in functional programming, although their purpose in the MapReduce framework is not the same as their original forms. MapReduce is a framework for processing huge datasets on certain kinds of distributable problems using a large number of computers (nodes), collectively referred to as a cluster. Computational processing can occur on data stored either in a filesystem (unstructured) or within a database (structured). The objective of this project is therefore to combines the Apache Hadoop implementation of MapReduce [2] and the FraSCAti platform [3] to support the development, deployment and execution of MapReduce applications.


  1. Google. The MapReduce Framework.
  2. Apache Software Fundation. The Hadoop Framework.
  3. OW2 FraSCAti project. http://frascati.ow2.org

Project #8: Combining Functional and Concurrent Programming with SCA



  1. Wikipedia. Functional Programming.
  2. Rich Hickey. The Clojure programming language.
  3. Erlang. Erlang Programming Language.
  4. EPFL. Scala Actors.
  5. OW2 FraSCAti project. http://frascati.ow2.org

Project #9: Bringing Ambient-oriented Programming into FraSCAti



  1. VUB. Ambient-Oriented Programming.
  2. AmbientTalk. http://ambienttalk.googlecode.com
  3. OW2 FraSCAti project. http://frascati.ow2.org

Project #10: Planning Service Component Architectures with QuA



  1. University of Oslo. The QuA Middleware Project.
  2. OW2 FraSCAti project. http://frascati.ow2.org

Project #11: Implementing the CoCoME Use Case with FraSCAti



Project #12: Implementing SmartHome Protocols into FraSCAti



Project #13: Integrating Peer-to-Peer Protocols into FraSCAti



Project #14: Integrating Gossip Protocols into FraSCAti



Project #15: Supporting Native Languages in FraSCAti



Project #16: Implementing Wireless Sensor Applications with FraSCAti



Project #17: Implementing Multimedia Applications with FraSCAti



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This page last changed on 29-Nov-2010 18:16:26 CET by Seintur.

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